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eWater Innovation
(eWater Innovation Pty Ltd.)

Innovation Centre
Building 22
University of Canberra ACT 2601
phone: +61 2 6201 5834
fax: +61 2 6201 5038

History & Credit

Version history

Version 1.1.1

Released: Dec 1, 2011

Version 1.1.1
- Fixed issue with some EED data fields missing when loaded in
Version 1.1
- Implements standard web service, as being implemented by US EPA
- Fixed bugs caused by 'invalid characters' in abstracts copied/pasted from PDFs
- Made citation details section collapsible
- Added 'comment' column into evidence listing, to show tags/keywords assigned in EED

Version 1.0.3 beta

Released: Aug 22, 2011

Bug fixes: - importing evidence from one paper for multiple linkages was causing conflicts - added more tooltips and corrected some UI quirks (usability issues) - added ability to show/hide citation details

Version 1.0 beta

Released: May 17, 2011

Eco Evidence 1.0 beta

  • First beta release of analysis software
  • Supports data retrieval from online database (and other conforming web services)
  • Generates flexible, HTML formatted report


Eco Evidence analysis methods manual

  • Susan Nichols (University of Canberra/eWater CRC)
  • Richard Norris (University of Canberra/eWater CRC)
  • Angus Webb (University of Melbourne)
  • Michael Stewardson (University of Melbourne)

Eco Evidence analysis methods manual can be cited as:
Nichols S., Webb A., Norris R., and Stewardson, M. (2011) Eco Evidence analysis methods manual: a systematic approach to evaluate causality in environmental science, eWater Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra.

Eco Evidence online database and analyser software
  • Stephen Wealands (University of Melbourne/eWater CRC) - Database design and development.
  • Patrick Lea (University of Melbourne/eWater CRC) - Database design and development.
  • Angus Webb (University of Melbourne) - Database design.
  • Michael Stewardson (University of Melbourne) - Database design.
  • Susan Nichols (University of Canberra/eWater CRC) - Concept development and software design.
  • Richard Norris (University of Canberra/eWater CRC) - Concept development
  • Tory Grice (Griffith University/eWater CRC) - Interface design

The online database and analyser software can be cited as:
eWater CRC (2011). Eco Evidence, eWater Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, Australia.

Eco Evidence: User documentation

  • Emma Betts (University of Canberra, eWater CRC) - Software help documentation.


The analyser software software applies the Eco Evidence analysis method, which has an extensive development history. Refer to the following literature:

Barlow, A., Norris, R. and Nichols, S. (2005a). Ecological effects of reducing stream baseflows. Final report submitted to Environment ACT. August 2005. Canberra.

Barlow, A., Norris, R. Nichols, S., Ransom, G. and Mugodo J. (2005b). Multiple Lines and Levels of Evidence: MLLE User Manual. eWater CRC Initial Project no.112 December 2005, Canberra.

Nichols, S. and Norris, R. (2005). Water management course: setting ecological targets for healthy working rivers. Report for eWater CRC Initial Project No.114, Dec 2005, Canberra.

Nichols S., Webb A., Norris R., and Stewardson M., (2011). Eco Evidence analysis methods manual: a systematic approach to evaluate causality in environmental science. eWater Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra.

Norris, R., Liston, P., Mugodo, J., Nichols, S. Quinn, G., Cottingham, P., Metzeling, L., Perriss, S., Robinson, D., Tiller, D. and Wilson, G. (2005). Multiple Lines and Levels of Evidence for detecting ecological responses to management intervention. In I.D. Rutherfurd, I. Wiszniewski, M.J. Askey-Doran and R. Glazik (Eds), Proceedings of the 4th Australian Stream Management Conference: linking rivers to landscapes, (pp. 456-463). Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, Hobart, Tasmania.

Norris, R., Nichols, S., Ransom, G., Liston, P., Barlow, A., and Mugodo J. (2008). Causal Criteria Methods Manual eWater Cooperative Research Centre, & Institute for Applied Ecology School of Resource Environment & Heritage Science, University of Canberra.

O’Connor, R and Nichols, S. (2006). Framework to set targets for healthy working river systems, Version 1.1, eWater CRC Initial Project no.156 January 2006. Canberra.

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